Fee Structure



Dear parents As we stand on the threshold of the session 2020-21, we sincerely thank all our esteemed stakeholders for your continuous support and unconditional cooperation. All your constructive suggestion coupled with persistent effort of our students, their parents and staff members have enabled us to continue our journey to reach our goal. It has always been our endeavour to provide quality education to our students so as to make them better human beings to face the challenges of the life ahead. The school has decided the fee structure for the session 2020-21 after due consultation with the members of the Parent Teacher Coordination Committee and approved by the SMC at its meeting held on 03.03.2020. The detail fee structure for different classes is as follows:


Sl no. Class Tution Fees Per Quarter Mode Of Payment Last Day Of Payment Annual Fees collected once in the 1st quarter
1 Nursery to UKG 2500 Quarterly Quarterly 7200
2 Std. I 1950 Quarterly before the second week of the due month 7800
3 Std. II 1800 Quaretrly before the second week of the due month 4000
4 Std. III 1950 Quaretrly before the second week of the due month 4000


Sl no. Head POf Account Model Of Payment Amount
1 Special Development Fees Once at the time of Admission 1000
2 Computer Fees Quarterly from Std. IV onwards 225

BUS FEES(Collected Quarterly)

NEAR - 1050

Far - 1200

JNV - 1800

Fee Structure