-   Tuition fees are collected for the twelve months of the year.
-   Tuition fees, bus fees and computer fees would be collected on quarterly basis starting from april of every year as 1st quarter. you are requested to deposit the fees in time to avoid fine which will be charged against late payment of fees. however, admission and re-admission fees will be collected at the beginning of the session. fee should be paid on or before 10th of each month, defaulters can clear their dues.
-   A monthly fine of rs. 50.00 (rupees fifty only) will be charged against late payment of tuition fees/ bus fee/ computer fees. for example, in case you have not paid the fees for the second quarter starts from july and paying in august, rs. 50.00 will charged and if paying in september, rs. 50.00 more (in total rs. 100.00) will be charged. rs. 200.00 will be charged in case of late payment after the particular quarter
-   If fee is not paid for two consecutive months the students name will automatically be struck off the rolls.